It is important that you use this website on your own computer. If you use an internet cafe, a networked computer or a shared computer, you should be aware that your personal information may be stored in the memory of that computer and may be accessible to another person. Please also remember to log off this website when you have finished looking at your personal pension information.
You will gain access to the information the pension scheme trustees and their administrators hold about you using your user ID and password. You are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and proper use of your user ID and password. You are also responsible for restricting access to your computer or any other computer which stores your details. In order to help the pension scheme trustees and their administrators keep your information secure you should not leave your computer unattended while you are logged on to the web site.
You must tell the pension scheme administrator as soon as you believe that someone other than you knows your User ID and password or has access to your account.